Revival Stories

The 1860 South Africa Revival (Part 2)

In 1860, a young South African pastor named Andrew Murray went to visit the site of revival at the Worcester farm. He was astonished by what God was doing and returned to his church with his own heart freshly ignited. Shortly after this, he led worship in one part of the building, passionately calling upon God for a spiritual awakening. Meanwhile, at another meeting at the same time in another room, a young black girl in the service was invited to sing and to pray. Everyone there in attendance started to hear a resounding sound in the distance that drew closer and closer. In the midst of a deafening roar, the whole congregation burst into prayer and could not be quieted.

Pastor Murray was at first very concerned by the disorderly sounds of so many people praying at the same time, but several days later as folks were overwhelmed by God’s presence and broke out in prayer once again, a stranger approached Murray and told him: “I think that you are the minister of this congregation. Be careful what you do, for it is the Spirit of God that is at work here. I have just come from America, and this is precisely what I witnessed there.” From then on, Murray showed more flexibility and grace regarding people’s behavior as the revival spread out from his church.

Through the latter half of 1860, the revival flames surged out to the whole of the Cape of Africa as those who experienced God’s fire carried it to new places. God had stirred up a great spiritual hunger in people, and no one wanted to miss out on this move of God. The urge to pray gripped people’s hearts, and a zeal for evangelism led to many salvations each and every day. The crime rate dropped to all-time lows, and the prisons started to empty out. Local believers and churches began to work together in unity, and many young people re-dedicated themselves to serve in ministry or on the missions field.

All this began on a little farm and then in an ordinary church in Worcester, South Africa. And prayer was always at the center of it. One little known fact is that Pastor Murray’s father, Andrew Murray Sr, had also been a pastor. Ever since 1822, he had covenanted with the Lord to labor in prayer for revival every Friday night. After 38 years of faithful prayer, his eyes welled up with tears of joy as he heard the amazing news that his son was witnessing the long-anticipated outpouring of revival upon the land.


  1. What was unusual or unexpected about this revival as it caught fire in Pastor Murray’s church? Why do you think the pastor was so concerned about the disarray of prayers emerging from his congregation? How did God help him to adjust his attitude?
  2. Have you ever witnessed personally great spiritual hunger like what was experienced in the South African revival? What do you think might have been your role if you were living there at the time? What would have captured your attention the most?
  3. What can we learn from Pastor Murray’s father and his prayer life? What are you faithfully waiting and praying for in your life?

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